Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reaching an End :(

     By the title "Reaching an End :( ", you may have been worried that by "end" I mean I am ending my blog series. Don't worry, I have much more to report about Narwhals. The "end" I am talking about is actually much more devastating and heart breaking than me stopping my blog. This "end" is where we are coming so close to losing an innocent being. The "end" that we are being forced to face is the end of the Narwhals. I know this is sudden and sounds harsh but it is true. As I have previously stated Narwhals are going extinct! All species that are endangered obviously do not deserve to be, however Narwhals have earned a special place in my heart. Reasons like global warming have impacted the population change. The Atlantic ice is melting and so is the number of Narwhals. Another reason is the Narwhals main source of food, the  Greenland halibut is decreasing to. The Narwhals have to battle eachother to get the nutrients they need to survive. Gas and oils are also polluting the oceans Narwhals should be free to swim in. Other effects are the hunting or Narwhals, specifically for their tusks. This occurred more often many years ago,but it is still a problem. Join me to end the fight, and bring back the narwhals!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Little deeper in the daily life!

     Hello narwhal lovers, endangered species activists, or just anyone who happened to click on my page! Today, I'm providing you with an informational video about narwhals. Many people don't know a lot about  this species. Some even think they are a mythical creature. This video proves that narwhals are in fact real. I picked this video specifically because it shows both the fun playful side of narwhals, yet shows the struggles they go through each day. Also, this video gives us some facts about that mysterious tusk. I hope you enjoy and find it as interesting as I did. Plus, stay tuned for more blogs to come! <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Narwhals: The Real Life Unicorn of the Sea

     Many exotic or strange creatures that you would never even imagine, live deep, deep down in the ocean. One of those amazing animals is known as the Narwhal. Contrary to popular belief, Narwhals are not mythical. They can actually be found in the Canadian Arctic and Greenlandic waters all year round. Even though they are definitely real, it is very hard to find one. The Narwhal is actually an endangered species. I am bringing this rare animal to your attention because more people need to educate themselves more about them.
     Let's start off with some general information. Narwhals are like a mix between unicorn and whale. Like a whale, they are very big in size and dominate the ocean. Narwhals also have a tusk similar to a unicorn. They weigh up to 4,200 pounds and grow up to 17 feet. How could a whale-like creature that is that massive become endangered? Find out in my next BLOG!!!!!!!!